Phone Answering Service Blog

SMS Marketing Vs Email Marketing—The Biggest Differences For 2025

Written by Aaron Boatin | October 09, 2024

You're trying to find the best way to reach more people with your business’ marketing. Email works, but these days, people pay less and less attention to their inboxes. So, what’s your next move?

Here at Ambs Call Center, we provide the myAmbs Mass Texting Service and we also utilize email marketing for our many campaigns. That gives us plenty of history with how both channels work, especially with how they work today. But just because sending bulk messages gets higher open rates, does it mean it's better for your business? That's what we're going to dig into now.

  1. What Exactly is SMS Marketing
  2. The Pros and Cons of SMS Marketing
  3. What Exactly is Email Marketing
  4. The Pros and Cons of Email Marketing
  5. SMS vs. Email: Which One is Right for You in 2025?
  6. Combine Your SMS and Email for Maximum Impact!
  7. Best Practices for SMS Marketing
  8. Best Practices for Email Marketing

So, whether you’re new to these tools or trying to figure out which one will bring better results in 2025, we’ve got you covered. Now let's dive into the biggest differences between SMS and email marketing, so you can choose the one that’s right for your business.

What Exactly is SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing involves sending a bulk number of messages to your customers' or clients' phones. These texts can range from promotional offers to appointment reminders or urgent alerts.

The key feature of message marketing is how quick and direct it is. You send out a mass text message, and within seconds, it reaches hundreds, or even thousands, of your target audience.

That's pretty much it. It’s really no wonder so many businesses are turning to mass texting services.

At Ambs Call Center, we’ve seen this be a game-changer for businesses that need to send time-sensitive messages. Want to announce a flash sale or send out a last-minute event reminder to increase your customer engagement? SMS marketing will get that message into your customers’ hands faster than any email.

The Pros and Cons of SMS Marketing

The biggest win for SMS marketing messages? High open rates. People are glued to their mobile phones, and when a text comes in, they usually open it right away. That means your business can get instant engagement. Plus, SMS messages are short, which makes them easy to read and act on.

Also—and this is a big one—the SMS marketing industry is going to be worth more than $12.6 billion by 2025. It's not growing because businesses are averse to SMS marketing and customers aren't opening their texts, we can certainly tell you that.

Another thing, if you're sending appointment reminders, you may like to hear that SMS marketing increases attendance by over 30%!

But here’s some disadvantages of SMS marketing. For one, you can’t go overboard with your message. Texts have a character limit, so you’ll need to keep it concise. You also have to be careful not to overdo it. Send too many messages, and you might frustrate your customers, leading to opt-outs or complaints.

Some businesses might also view the cons of SMS marketing as the inability to convey longer, more detailed information. This is where email shines.

What Exactly is Email Marketing?

Email marketing involves businesses sending detailed messages directly to their customers' inboxes. This is one of the most traditional forms of marketing.

You could share product launches, monthly newsletters, or promotional offers in an email. Emails simply allow you to share more content. That's the biggest difference between email and SMS. You can even add images, videos, or clickable links to your email messages!

Where email really shines is in audience segmentation. Want to send a specific offer to your VIP customers or follow up with those who haven’t bought from you in a while? Email marketing lets you tailor your message to the right people, boosting your chances of making a sale. And, if you've got the right CRM tied to your emails (like we do with HubSpot), you'll even be able to study your click-through rates!

However, email can be a bit trickier because of spam filters, especially today with AI filters! If your subject line doesn’t grab attention, or your email list isn’t well-maintained, your email might go unseen, sitting unread in someone’s email inbox. It even varies between sending emails to your customers and non-customers. Let's take a look.

For instance, here's the statistics of an email announcing the launch of our updated website that we sent to our customers. Considering the large number of recipients, this is a healthy open rate and click-through rate.

Now, this is the exact same email that we sent to our customers, but we updated a line or two to adapt it to our non-customers. Notice the higher number of recipients, but also notice the lower click-through rates. The subject line and preview texts were the exact same which makes sense why the open rate is close to the earlier email.

These are the kinds of differences that you'd need to remember when marketing with emails.

The Pros and Cons of Email Marketing

The best thing about email marketing? It allows you to deliver richer content. You’re not limited by characters, so you can add more details, include links to products, or show off new features with images.

Some email providers, especially if you're sending emails to businesses, may not display images as a security measure.

Emails are great for nurturing leads over time, building trust, and staying top-of-mind.

But here’s the downside: not everyone is opening their emails. Open rates for emails are much lower compared to SMS. Some emails get buried in inboxes, and others might land in spam. This means there’s a good chance your message could go unseen. A low click-through rate can also be a challenge if the content isn’t compelling enough.

SMS vs. Email: Which One is Right for You in 2025?

Now that you know the basics, the big question is—SMS or email? Which should your business rely on? The answer depends on what you’re trying to do.

If you’re sending out urgent, time-sensitive offers or need immediate responses, SMS marketing is the way to go. Its high open rates and speed make it perfect for things like appointment reminders, event updates, or limited-time sales.

But if your goal is to share more detailed information—like product updates, newsletters, or promotional offers—email marketing gives you more room to communicate. And depending on your email service provider, you may be able to segment your audiences! This would mean you get more of the right eyeballs on your detailed messages. Like in the screenshots you saw above, we at Ambs Call Center segment our email marketing for the best possible results. 

The real trick is combining these two channels for maximum impact.

Combine Your SMS and Email for Maximum Impact!

Why choose between SMS and email when you can use both to maximize your marketing efforts? The two work together beautifully, allowing you to cover all your bases.

  • Use SMS for Urgent Updates: If you need immediate attention, like for a time-sensitive promotion or last-minute event changes, send an SMS. People will see it and respond quickly.
  • Follow Up SMS with Email: After you’ve grabbed their attention with a text, send a more detailed email. This gives your customers the full picture without bombarding them with too many texts. Through a platform like the myAmbs Mass Texting Service, you can schedule these messages ahead of time!
  • Use Email for Long-Term Engagement: Nurture your customers over time with regular emails. Then, when it’s time to make a big announcement, use mass texting to drive home the message.

Best Practices for SMS Marketing

To get the most out of your mass texting services, there are a few best practices to keep in mind.

  1. Get Permission: Before you start sending texts, make sure you have your customers’ consent. This is a legal requirement and ensures you’re sending messages to people who want to hear from you.
  2. Get the Right SMS Marketing Platform: A good SMS marketing platform, like the myAmbs Mass Texting Service, lets you get deep insights into your SMS marketing efforts. You can start this today at only $29/month!
  3. Be Clear and Concise: SMS messages are short, so get straight to the point. Include a strong call to action (CTA) to guide your customers on what to do next.
  4. Timing is Key: Don’t send messages at odd hours. The best times are during business hours when people are likely to check their phones.
  5. Personalization: Even with limited characters, you can make messages personal. Use your customer’s name or reference their last interaction with your business to create a stronger connection.

Best Practices for Email Marketing

While SMS is about keeping things brief, email marketing—with the right email service providers or CRM—gives you room to be more detailed. But that doesn’t mean you should overwhelm your audience. Here’s how to get it right.

  1. Segment Your Audience: Not all customers are the same. By dividing your list into different segments (like VIPs, recent buyers, or inactive customers), you can send more personalized and relevant emails.
  2. Write Catchy Subject Lines: Your subject line is the first thing people see, so make sure it grabs attention. A good subject line can boost your open rates and get more people to engage with your email.
  3. Add Visuals: Emails that include images or videos tend to perform better. Use visuals to make your message more engaging and break up long blocks of text.
  4. Include a Clear CTA: Whether it’s a link to your website or a button to sign up for an event, always include a clear call to action. Make it easy for your customers to take the next step.

Which Marketing Channel Will Win in 2025?

Both SMS and email marketing have their place in a successful marketing strategy. SMS delivers immediate engagement with high open rates. Want to send a time-sensitive offers? What about appointment reminders? Or, what about a service alert? If you're nodding to any of those, SMS marketing is what you want in 2025.

Meanwhile, email is perfect for long-form content. Want to nurture your leads better? Maintain ongoing relationships with your customers? Yep, you're probably best off sticking to email marketing in 2025.

At the end of the day, it’s not about choosing one over the other. If you combine SMS and email, you can create a well-rounded approach that keeps your audience engaged no matter where they are.

Now, if SMS marketing interests you, we highly recommend checking out our blog on everything you need to know about mass texting. But, you may be a pro already, wanting to check out the myAmbs Mass Texting Service which starts at only $29/month, which we recommend too!